Horror: An Underrated Genre : Part one of a series dedicated to celebrating the history and impact of the horror genre on the world of film and the audience.
This is the Sixth video in the Triple Zero Films Video Essay Series. This series will cover all aspects of the media landscape – from DVDs to screenwriting to poster design (and everything in-between)!
New videos release every other month!
If you’d rather read, check out the written version of this essay here: https://www.triplezerofilms.com/horror-underrated-part-1/
You can also check out any of my other articles (including those not yet in video form) over at: https://www.triplezerofilms.com/tzf-blog/
To find out more about me or my upcoming feature film, Forbidden Dish, check out either: www.triplezerofilms.com or www.forbiddendish.com